Coppelia Theatre
Art and Technology
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Wood shavings

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Micro chamber theatre
Without words
AGE OF THE audience
Any age
Max 15/20 people for performance
15 min (max 5/6 performances per day)
3m x 3m; h 3m
The show can also be performed outdoors, but it needs a place intimate and sheltered from the wind
Own lighting| audio system
60 min
30 min

Micro Theatre

Wood Shavings is an extract of the pièce Two Destinies, the Company's debut show that took place in the Verdi Theatre of Milan in October 2014. The Chamber Theatre idea comes from the will to bring the project in non-theatrical spaces too. The Chamber Theatre annihilates which annihilates the distance between the audience and the puppet, offering a visual a visual, intimate and unique experience, being intentionally thought for a max of 7/20 people for replica.

What is said about us...

From the show “Clockwork Metaphysic”, two “ribs” were born for non-theatrical spaces, small cameos: “Wood Shavings” and “Star Hunter” of ten minutes each. The idea is that of Guido Ceronetti’s chamber theatre, to create places of the soul, intimate, for a few close people within the same colourful and fantastic dream in its highest meaning. A theatre within a theatre because the small structure in which the story takes place is a wunderkammer theatre, a metaphysical and pataphysical masterpiece, a curtain halfway between a shark’s mouth and a starry celestial vault where inside, immersed in mini lights covered by seashells, a hybrid ancestral creature of woman and owl moves with ease, painting, creating and destroying its own art. The puppet uses the brush as if it were a pick and she has hung a violin around her neck and, drawing, she macerates and grinds, mixing them, the colours cyan, magenta and yellow, to produce her personal creation of the world. In miniature, a studio is recreated, a laboratory made of tables and ink, of clocks and inkwells, clouds and chasing eyes, a factory that transforms everything, between fumes and flames in an ageless magic that strikes and captures curiosity. The movements kidnap and we lose the sense of time, we focus on a detail that another illuminates us and dazzles us, takes us far in time, the personal interior personal one, like that of the Man with a capital letter who, among these little but great strokes of genius, make us melt and liquefy, returning to the essence of what we were, of what we still are under the superstructures: magnetic bodies able to amaze us.


TOMMASO CHIMENTI; Reviewed | daily newspaper on culture and entertainment


Remedios Varo

Talking about Remedios Varo is like talking about magic, mystery, science, mysticism, transcendence and also a bit of madness.  Addressing her life and her art inevitably unleashes the tide of the unconscious and the invisible, in a theory of images that passes from Bosch to Goya, from Dalì to de Chirico, from Magritte to Frida Kahlo. Historiography, above all Italian, has marginalized her for a long time, considering Remedios as a personality worthy of mention only because she was linked to Benjamin Péret, one of the leaders of the surrealist movement, and many of her works rest, unknown, in the homes of anonymous collectors. Remedios Varo certainly ranks among the great explorers of emotions and languages ​​of our time. Her art has the special quality of possessing a philosophical meaning and not just an artistic one, a literary content and not just a plastic one.


We owe the knowledge of Remedios Varo in Italy, one of the most important figures of Surrealism and not only for women, To Diego Sileo, theorist and art historian, curator at the PAC (contemporary art pavilion) in Milan. In 2007, he was the first to write about her a sharp and penetrating book "Remedios Varo, the magic of the gaze", published by Selene Editions, it is our reference guide. Coppelia Theatre offers the opportunity to meet the author, no one better than him can convey a real and well-rounded image of Remedios.

photo : Roberto Cifarelli

The Cd

The Clockwork Metaphysics CD is the final result of a year-long musical research run by the composer Stefano Bechini, involving some of the most talented musicians on the international contemporary scene. Through an original score, Bechini combines a series of musical styles in this instrumental performance of extraordinary beauty. Elements from classic to electro-acoustic blend perfectly together to tell the story of three Varo masterpieces: La Creacion de las Aves, Papilla estelar and Personaje.

List of Festivals and Exhibitions

Festival internazionale di Teatro di Figura Arrivano dal mare, Ravenna (2020); Festival Volterra Teatro, Volterra PI (2019); Mercantia, Festival internazionale del teatro di strada, Certaldo (2019); Festival delle arti di strada di Olginate LC (2019); Arrivano dal Mare, Festival internazionale del teatro di figura, Ravenna (2019); I fasti Verolani, Veroli FR (2019); Pupi & Pini, Festival internazionale del teatro di figura, Lignano Sabbiadoro VE (2019); In Borgo, Festival del teatro Urbano, Borgo Velino RI (2019); La città immaginaria, Festival internazionale del teatro di figura, Sabbioneta MN (2019); Mercantia, Certaldo FI (2018); Pupi & Pini, Lignano Sabbiadoro VE (2018); Apritiborgo, Campiglia Marittima LI (2018); Artemigrante; Macerata (2018); Festival dei Cantastorie, Russi RA (2018); I Festival internazionale della robotica di Pisa (2017); Gustatus, Orbetello (2017); Festival Salamarzana, Fucecchio FI (2017); Festival dei burattini di Villa Severi, Teatro dell’aggeggio, Arezzo (2017); Fasti Verolani, Veroli (2017); The magic castle, Gradara (2017); Babkarka Bystrica- Festival internazionale di teatro di figura, Polonia (2016); La città in tasca , Roma (2016); Sognambula, Castagneto Carducci (2016); Sarnico Baskers Festival, Sarnico BG (2016); Kilowatt Festival, Arezzo (2016); Mercantia 2016 - Festival internazionale dell'arte di strada, Certaldo FI (2016); Rassegna Pillole - Teatro studio Uno; Roma (2016); Festival La Luna è Azzurra - Festival internazionale di teatro di figura, San Miniato FI (2016); Festival Valise - Festival internazionale di teatro, Lomza, Polonia (2016); La Fiuma - Festival di teatro di figura, San Benedetto po’ MV (2016); Rassegna teatrale, San Vito di Leguzzano TV (2016); Oblom poesia Festival, Torino (2016); Le Domeniche a teatro - Rassegna teatrale del Teatro Mancinelli, Orvieto (2016); Rassegna Teatrale 2015, Teatro Comunale degli Arrischianti, Sarteano S I (2015); Impertinente Festival - Festival delle figure animate, Teatro delle Briciole, Parma (2015); Battiti – Rassegna internazionale di Teatro-Circo, Teatro Furio Camillo, Roma (2015); Festival Teatro nel bicchiere; Orbetello, Scansano GR (2015); Le Fiere del teatro, Sarmede TV (2015); Bristol Puppetry - Festival internazionale di cinema di animazione, Bristol UK (2015); Rassegna di teatro Casaforte Borrelli, Napoli (2015); Festival La luna nel pozzo – Festiva l internazionale del teatro in strada, Caorle VE (2015); Sognambula - Festival del teatro in strada, Castagneto Carducci LI (2015); Santa Sofia Buskers Festival - XXV Raduno degli Artisti di Strada, Santa Sofia FC (2015); Festival del Burattino a Villa Severi, Arezzo (2015); Festival delle figure animate, Teatro delle Briciole, Parma(2014); IF- Festival internazionale del teatro di figura; Teatro Verdi, Milano (2014); Teatro in circolo - Rassegna teatrale di San Vito di Leguzzano VI (2014); Immagini e figure - Festival di animazione dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna (2014); Sarnico Busker Festival, Sarnico BG (2014); Cantieri teatrali - Festival internazionale di teatro, Soleminis CA (2014/2013); Festival Valceno Arte; Parma (2014/2013/2011); RIC Festival - Invasioni creative, Rieti (2013); Festival Il paese dei Balocchi; Rosignano Marittima LI (2012); Salento Buskers Festival; Uggiano la Chiesa LE (2012); Figure - Festival internazionale di teatro di figura; Parma (2012/2011).